Genre: Historical/Memoir Drama
Productions: Touring school productions (2022) by Theatre Ariel in Philadelphia and Bema Productions of Victoria BC Canada. Produced in over 25 schools in NY, (2019), Public performances CenterStage Theatre, Rochester, NY (2019, 2018), Victor Schools performance (2018), Holocaust Days of Remembrance Program at Jewish Foundation of Greater Rochester (2019, 2018)
Developed: Skylight Theatre Company INKubator Staged Reading (2018)
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Trailer: Survivors
The New York Times reports a recent survey finds the Holocaust is fading from memory. The study also finds "all students should learn about the Holocaust at school".
Survivors answers that concern and that call. Commissioned by CenterStage Theatre, Rochester, NY, this hour long, educational and inspiring drama enacts the story of the Holocaust through eye-witness testimony of ten survivors. A young cast are our guides on this perilous journey. So, we see the young survivors as they experience their frightening ever-changing world. Suitable for young adult and adult audiences, this play about the past is a warning and a wake up call for the present and the future. Never forget! Never again! Never is now!
The ten survivors' actual testimony can be viewed on this historic web archive, which was developed by the Center for Holocaust Awareness and Information (CHAI) of the Jewish Foundation of Greater Rochester, NY.
Genre: Drama
Productions: Virtual production by Quarantine Players, Washington, D.C. (April 2021), Performing at the Tools for Tolerance conference for California educators Museum of Tolerance, Los Angeles, CA (2020), Skylight Theatre Company, Los Angeles, CA (2019), USC Fisher Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA (2019)
Developed: Skylight Theatre Company
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Spectrum News 1: Never is Now
What happens when people from diverse backgrounds experience the firsthand accounts of ten survivors who were labeled "undesirable" and thrust into Hitler’s systematic genocide.
Playwright Wendy Kout disturbingly links then and now so we may understand what breaks us apart and embrace what bonds us together. NEVER IS NOW is just the beginning of the conversation.
Adapted from Survivors by Wendy Kout commissioned, developed and produced by the CenterStage Theatre at the Louis S. Wolk Jewish Community Center of Greater Rochester, Ralph Meranto, Artistic Director.