“SURVIVORS provides an innovative and inclusive approach to teaching the Holocaust.”
“SURVIVORS caused an awakening of truth and justice in the [students].”
“Until today, I was worried about Holocaust education in this country, and now I’m not worried anymore.”
Lenga in the Jewish Journal
“...learning from the past to create inclusivity and tolerance in the present and in the future.”
“A call to action for everyone who sees it!”
Hatred is on the rise with increased incidents of antisemitism, racism, religious hate, hate based on sexual orientation, and hate-fueled violence. We cannot be silent bystanders and allow selected groups to be singled out and marginalized. We cannot let hatred become normalized. We must be vocal upstanders and heed the call to action:
Never forget! Never again! Never is now!
SURVIVORS fights hatred and teaches tolerance through Holocaust education. Commissioned by CenterStage Theatre, Rochester, NY, this hour-long educational and inspiring drama enacts the story of the Holocaust through eye-witness testimony of ten survivors. A young cast guides us on this perilous journey, and through their eyes we perceive a frightening and ever-changing world. The indomitable survivors depicted are now deceased, but through this play they live on, teaching history and life lessons, providing hope and encouraging us to speak up and act against today’s bullying, hatred, and genocides.
Appropriate for grade eight through adult audiences, this play about the past is a warning and a wake-up call for the present and the future.
The ten survivors' actual testimony can be viewed on this historic web archive, which was developed by the Center for Holocaust Awareness and Information (CHAI) of the Jewish Foundation of Greater Rochester, NY.
Genre: Historical/Memoir Drama
Productions: (2024) Six Points Theater in St. Paul, MN becomes the fifth independent production. (2023) West Coast Tour launched by Arts for Change. Continued tours by CenterStage Theatre, Rochester, NY, Theatre Ariel and Gratz College in Philadelphia, PA, Bema Productions, Canada. (2022) Produced by CenterStage Theatre in 25 schools in NY. Touring school productions by Theatre Ariel in Philadelphia and Bema Productions in Victoria, BC, Canada.
Developed: Skylight Theatre Company INKubator Staged Reading (2018)
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Press Kit: Download West Coast SURVIVORS EPK
Produced by Arts for Change, a non-profit production company co-founded by Genie Benson and Wendy Kout.
Follow West Coast Tour on Instagram
SURVIVORS West Coast is honored to partner with:
Arts For Change, West Coast USA — Second year
CenterStage Theatre, Rochester, NY — Seventh year
Theatre Ariel, Philadelphia, PA — Fourth year
Six Points Theater, St. Paul, MN — Second year
Holocaust Theater, Victoria BC, Canada — Fifth year

2022 Selected by the Holocaust Education Project of Philadelphia, for a school touring production by Theatre Ariel
2017 Chosen for Presentation at the Alliance for Jewish Theater Conference, Boston, MA
JLiving Media: “SURVIVORS” A Play that Changed My Life by Casey J. Adler, December 16, 2024.
Next Tribe: Amid War and Grief, Theater Offers Hope and Solace by Michele Willens, November 7, 2023.
Jerusalem Post: ‘SURVIVORS’ fuses with on-stage diversity by Uriel Peizer, October 2, 2023.
Jewish Independent: Theatre that educates by Sam Margolis, July 7, 2023.
ABC News Philadelphia: Video segment on SURVIVORS, April 6, 2022.